In 2012, the Committee at Magdalen Park Lawn Tennis Club (MPLTC) passed a resolution to improve the outside areas of the club house. They specifically wanted to create a large patio terraced area for social events and the enjoyment of refreshments whilst overlooking play on courts 7 and 8.
Paul Smart, Managing Director of TEAM CS, is a social member of MPLTC. So when Paul heard of the planned improvements at the club he freely offered the Committee his 35 years’ experience in Construction Management. The Committee accepted and Paul took on the responsibility of set-up and administering the contract, which included obtaining estimates and tenders for the removing of the old patio and the building of the new patio facility.
During the course of the project Paul made a positive impression on the committee members, with his reassuring and professional manner and the efficient way that he successfully controlled the project costs.
Aly Adams, responsible for Facilities at the club, also closely involved in the project, was impressed with Paul’s contract management and strongly recommended him to another member at the club, Dominic Adams the Managing Director of Charles Adams Projects.
Established in 1995, Charles Adam Projects (CA Projects) has a strong reputation as a quality builder for high-end residential projects, from home improvements such as kitchens and bathrooms to complete interior design and decoration solutions. Client satisfaction is so high that CA Projects don’t need to advertise, as all their work comes from word of mouth.
Paul and Dominic eventually met at the club and it quickly became evident that Paul’s contract management experience and skills delivered through TEAM CS could help Dominic with a large basement conversion project CA Projects had just won, worth around £250,000.
Work soon started on the basement conversion project with Paul initially in a Quantity Surveyor role. He costed the work and any variations due to changing client requirements or additional necessary work, such as having to increase the depth of foundations.
Paul’s standard approach was followed with all contracts being prepared in line with TEAM CS templates, and all supporting documentation rigorously maintained in the unlikely event that there should ever be a dispute – there have been no contract disputes since Paul started working at CA Projects.
Paul’s work continues to benefit CA Projects as Dominic describes: “Paul is a flexible resource as I can engage his professional services to suit the stage of current contracts. His work on managing contract variations saves me money and ensures that all work done is notified and charged to the client.
I find Paul’s work offers very good value and is very thorough. He will always cover himself in order to avoid any contract dispute.”
Expanding on his contract management methodology, Paul Smart remarked that “Variations to a contract are not disputed as they are costed in advance. This keeps CA Projects on the front foot and avoids revisiting the justification for any extra work and thus avoids contract disputes. Everything is explicit in the calculation of work costs; it’s a science, an evidence based approach established on facts that can be observed, measured, tested and repeated. This is what I do for CA Projects and all my clients, which saves them time and money.”
Paul Smart
Managing Director
TEAM (Construction Support) Ltd
m: 07921 678751
t: (020) 8877 3265
“We aim to provide inexpensive top-quality support that brings simplicity to Dispute Resolution and Dispute Prevention within the Construction Industry.”
Dominic Adams
Managing Director
Charles Adams Projects Limited
m: 07889 971 697
“We pride ourselves on the high level of service, professionalism and expertise which we deliver. This enables us to build long term relationships with our clients who include some of London's leading interior designers and architects, as well as private clients and property developers.”
© TEAM (Construction Support) Ltd December 2014
“Paul is a flexible resource as I can engage his professional services to suit the stage of current contracts.
His work on managing contract variations saves me money and ensures that all work done is notified and charged to the client.
I find Paul’s work offers very good value and is very thorough. He will always cover himself in order to avoid any contract dispute”
Dominic Adams (Managing Director) of Charles Adams Projects Limited